пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Top 5 Tips To Get You Trim

Everybody's got their top tip for losing weight. We've almost become a nation of experts yet, how is it that many of us are still looking for that ultimate secret.

You know the one that turned fat spice into thin spice or that one from your favourite soap who dropped a stone of fat by the very next episode!

Well let me tell you now, there is no secret unless eating good clean wholesome food is something that's been hidden away from you until now.

There is however confusion as to what to eat and when to eat it, and hopefully this article will help clear it up a little.

Now before I release my top tips on you let first start by saying this:

None of this information is new found ground breaking stuff. If you apply it, you'll achieve some fantastic results and be able to maintain those results if you stick to what I tell you.

Here goes;

1. Increase your fat intake. Fat does not make you fat! In fact one of the most saturated fats with a percentage of 63% Saturates actually speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose fat!

The fat is Coconut oil and is a must on your shopping list, just make sure this is the only oil you cook with. Here's a few other oils I'd recommend, extra virgin olive oil (don't cook with it), flax seed oil and hemp seed oil.

2. Cut back on the Carbs!

When increasing your fat intake, cut down on your carbohydrate intake. Way too many people each too many carbs. Instead of the average 60% of carbs per day aim for 25-40% and make those carbs fibrous vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts and alfalfa sprouts. You can still have your rice and potatoes just make sure they are sweet potatoes and brown organic rice.

3. Eat clean healthy foods. If it wasn't around even 1000 years ago then there's a very good chance that it's got some form of preservative or additives in it.

4. Drink more water. Aim for at least 1 litre of water per 50lbs of body weight. We rely and function on water just as our vehicles rely on petrol or diesel. You wouldn't expect your vehicle to work without any kinda fuel would you?

Need I say more?

5. Eat protein with every meal. At least then if you do have carbs you can slow the rate of the Glycemic Index or GI (rate at which food has an effect on blood sugar) down so you begin to drip feed energy throughout you body. Good forms of protein are things like chicken, fish, eggs and hemp seeds.

Make it easy on yourself and master these 5 simple steps to a healthier leaner body. Once you've mastered this, we'll move on.

Reference to the source at this site

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