вторник, 26 февраля 2013 г.

Недвижимость в Латвии: хуже не будет?

Хотя сегодня число сделок с недвижимость и возросло, однако ликвидность недвижимости Латвии по прежнему крайне низка, а потому нельзя говорить, будто бы рынок недвижимости нормализовался.

Об этом сообщил руководитель SEB Ахти Асманн.

Как передает латвийский Бизнес портал, хорошая новость только в том, что ситуация на рынке недвижимости такова, что она просто не может стать еще хуже.

По словам руководителя SEB Ахти Асманна, в экономике есть признаки стабилизации, однако положение по-прежнему сложное.

Повышения цен на недвижимость в течение ближайших двух лет он не предвидит.

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понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

Maximize Fat Loss Through Simple Ideas

If anyone has even thought about losing weight, they are sure to be swamped with advice from friends, co-workers, as well as millions of advertisements for diets and diet pills. You may know that losing

weight may sound easy, but losing it and then keeping it off is the real battle. Although there are diets which claim that you can lose ten pounds in one week, they are not healthy nor will the results last after you go back to eating real food. Obviously you cannot eat whatever you want and lose weight. If that were true, everyone would be skinny. But implementing simple changes in your life can help you become healthier one day at a time and keep you motivated. After a few weeks, the changes will become habits, and so will healthy living.

It takes discipline to eat healthy at first, but once you do start it becomes easier because your body craves healthy foods. When you do eat unhealthier options, they will make you feel lethargic and even give you headaches.

The trick to healthy eating is…well there is no trick but there are several ideas that make it easier. First, add gradual changes to your diet. You can still eat food you like, such as pizza and ice cream but only eat it 1-2 times a week. Or if that sounds too hard, try to eat smaller portions, such as ½ cup rather than a half gallon of ice cream, or a few pieces of pizza rather than the whole pizza. Try to eat slower as well. If you need some help, listen to soft music while you eat and you will automatically eat slower. Or you can picture where your food came from. All these things will allow you to eat less.

Another key is to add healthier alternatives to your diet. Rather than eating white bread or pasta, switch to whole wheat. If you can’t bear that, try the whole grain white, which offers more nutrients. Rather than drinking juice, grab whole fruit instead. Eating whole foods is better for you because it gives you quality nutrients that haven't been processed or artificially added. For snacks, try substituting a candy bar with a handful of nuts or trail mix. My favorite snack is an apple and peanut butter. Try to pair your carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes, with a protein like turkey, chicken, tuna, peanut butter, etc. This will keep your blood sugar level and steady throughout the day. Try to eat three mid-size meals and two or three small snacks to keep you from feeling starved. Healthy substitutions are simple to make.

After deciding to eat healthier, come up with a plan so you continue to follow through. Plan your meals for the week and shop for that menu. Don’t go to the store hungry, and stick to the list. Impulse buying can hurt your waistline and your budget.

When at the store, try to stay to the outside aisles, the loop around the supermarket that has whole foods. If you buy snacks or other items, try to find low-sodium and low-sugar, rather than fat-free. These will often contain fiber and other nutrients that will fill you up, unlike “fat-free” which are often empty calories.

Now that healthy eating is on the menu, the next step is the dreaded exercise. I’ll admit I hated this at first too. But I was determined to not get any heavier so it was the inevitable choice. At first I felt stupid so I exercised at home with fitness tapes and DVDs, my favorites were Pilates and kickboxing. I walked on the treadmill and soon was running a half hour per day. As I progressed, I found running outside very relaxing.

Adding weight training really helped me slim down faster too, and it made me feel stronger every day. Get a workout from a fitness magazine or schedule a session with a personal trainer. Usually you can start strength training twenty minutes, three times a week, and slowly increase your sessions to about 45 minutes. Soon you can increase the weight resistance too. If you don't have the time to run and lift weights, you can do a circuit workout which allows for little rest time so you burn more calories in one session.

Just add a few more minutes everyday and try to push yourself slowly. It takes about a month to make a habit so stick with it. Exercising can be painful, but it is easier with a partner or when you like the activity, such as dancing, swimming, or biking.

Next, besides healthy eating and exercise there is the option of supplements. Although this is not necessary, it is an important option. If you don’t have the proper nutrients in your body, it is harder to lose weight. And did you know that Vitamin C can help you burn more calories? So I suggest a multi-vitamin to make sure all the bases are covered.

If you can’t seem to burn those last few pounds or you are stuck in rut and have tried all the other options, sometimes a fat burner like Akavar [http://www.dynakorpharmacal.com] can help. These usually limit your hunger so you don’t have to focus on dieting and you end up eating a few hundred calories less and lose weight faster.

If you stick to healthy habits and try to push yourself a little farther each day, you can reach your fitness goals. To stay motivated, hang up pictures around the house or get a friendly nudge from family or friends. Celebrate each success! Good luck!

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вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Diet: Weight Control and Weight Loss Using Mental Imagery

For dieters who have felt despair or even hopelessness in their struggle to develop permanent weight control, a new technique may prove helpful. Mental Imagery, a visualization technique used by health professionals, actors, artists, writers and professional athletes, can be adapted to diet programs. Many diets are undermined by people trying to lose weight in the face of depression, anxiety, rejection and abandonment. Mental Imagery exercises can facilitate dieting by helping dieters reduce and overcome emotional symptoms that foster weight gain. It appears to be a new and effective tool to lose weight permanently.

Emotional problems stem from the variety of conflicts we all face from childhood to our present age. No one is free of conflicts. These conflicts may take the form of an obsessive compulsive eating disorder that leads to overeating and interferes with developing normal eating patterns. Once the psychological factors that contribute to overeating are recognized and accepted, dieters could attempt to reduce their effect through the use of mental imagery.

To illustrate how mental imagery is used let's examine the common symptom of depression, which tends to make dieting more difficult to maintain. Whether depression is a primary cause of your overeating or secondary to being overweight, either way you are depressed. Simple visualization exercises can help you fight and even overcome depression and its connection to overeating and thus improve your weight control.

Although one can imagine many imagery exercises to help with depression and overeating, a good imagery technique is to first see yourself in that state of mind. Visualize yourself as the world's most depressed person. Then plaster an enormous X across this person. Visualize the X and your depressed self disappear, followed immediately by a smiling, happy you appearing. Visualize giving yourself a hug and saying how wonderful a person you are and that you will no longer eat because you are depressed. At the same time reiterate that you are losing weight and gaining control over your excessive eating. Many persons also physically hug themselves as they do this exercise.

Imagery that is specifically directed to eating problems offers many dieters another way to control psychological components of overeating. The type and kinds of imagery exercises that the imagination dreams up is almost inexhaustible. Imagery becomes very personal and tunes into individual needs. You can imagine whatever you want. In addition to diminishing emotional conflicts related to overeating, you can also direct the imagery to stop compulsive eating habits, such as binging whenever you see food available on a dining table.

Visualize reaching for the food. At the moment you are about to pick up it up, the food bites your finger, or jumps off the table and laughs at you or it just disappears. There are no limits to the number of imagery exercises you can create or do each day. Practice the exercises three to ten times a day, while deeply relaxed, until the results are felt. Imagery exercises require weeks and sometimes months to become fully effective. Imagery can become a powerful tool for psychological and behavioral change and help give you the permanent weight control you seek.

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понедельник, 11 февраля 2013 г.

Как избежать строительных афер

Во избежание повторения афер, подобных «Элита-Центру», парламенту необходимо принимать законы, определяющие правила продажи квартир, привлечения средств и кредитования строительными компаниями.

Об этом в интервью «Газете по-киевски» сказал заместитель киевского городского головы, секретарь Киевсовета Олесь Довгый, информирует «Главред» пресс-служба Киевсовета.

«Хочу обратить внимание, — отметил Довгый, — что на территории постсоветских стран это первый случай, когда государство, точнее местная власть, из-за политизации ситуации, берет на себя ответственность по обязательствам коммерческой структуры».

При этом он заявил, что «уже выделено 14 строительных площадок, на которых «Киевгорстрой» построит 200 000 кв. м жилья, из которых 50 тыс. кв. м будет передано на компенсацию инвесторам «Элиты». «Президент об этом извещен. Недоработка власти в том, что чиновники недостаточно информировали вкладчиков», — добавил он.

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воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

Через несколько лет украинских строителей будут активно привлекать на проекты заграницей

Через несколько лет украинских строителей будут активно привлекать на проекты, строящиеся в разных странах мира.

Об этом на встрече с журналистами сообщил Анатолий Беркута, и.о. первого заместителя Министра регионального развития и строительства Украины.

По словам чиновника, «сегодня украинские строители приобретают существенный опыт на объектах, строящихся к «Евро-2012», поэтому они будут востребованы в разных странах».

А. Беркута также отметил, что «на сегодняшний день в Украине к чемпионату строят 541 объект и на всех работают украинские застройщики».

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пятница, 8 февраля 2013 г.

В 2013 году в Украине появятся первые дома по программе доступного жилья

Предположительно, они появятся осенью, в Киеве, Харькове, Одессе, Донецке, Днепропетровске и Львове

Первые дома по программе Доступное жилье внедрят в эксплуатацию уже осенью 2013 года - в шести крупнейших городах Украины. Об этом сегодня, 28 августа, во время рабочего визита в Финляндию сообщил вице-премьер-министр Украины Борис Колесников, слова которого передает пресс-служба Министерства инфраструктуры.

"Речь идет как минимум о Киеве, Харькове, Одессе, Донецке, Днепропетровске, Львове - крупнейших городах нашей страны", - сказал Борис Колесников.

Предполагается, что доступное жилье будет продаваться под 3-5% годовых: 3% - до 60 кв. м, 5% - большей площади.

"По оптимистичным прогнозам такие дома могут появиться в октябре-ноябре 2013 года. Если жилье будет продаваться дороже, чем под 3-5% годовых и более, чем на 12 лет, то его никто не будет покупать. Квартира должна стоить до 6 тыс. грн. за квадратный метр и иметь полностью завершенный вид", - подчеркнул Борис Колесников.

По словам вице-премьера, квартиры эконом-класса доступны для каждого украинца. То есть процедура очень проста: гражданин, выбрав квартиру, подает необходимый пакет документов в банк, платит от 10% до 30% (первоначальный взнос) стоимости жилья и сразу получает ключи.

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четверг, 7 февраля 2013 г.

В БЮТ считают, что Черновецкий готовится к войне с киевлянами!

Несвоевременная выплата зарплаты, резкое повышение тарифов на все виды услуг, регулярное отключение тепла, воды и электроэнергии в Киеве - все это очевидные причины для акций протеста киевлян. Поэтому киевская власть спешит подготовиться к протестам жителей Киева.

Так прокомментировал намерение Киевской горгосадминистрации (КГГА) установить защитные барьеры на тротуаре возле свего админздания на ул. Крещатик, 36 депутат Киевсовета от БЮТ, советник Премьер-министра Украины Александр Бригинец.

Как сообщили в пресс-службе депутатской фракции БЮТ в Киевсовете, А. Бригинец, в частности, отметил: "Акции протеста традиционно начинаются в марте с первым теплом. Как сообщили синоптики, в этом году весна будет ранней. Поэтому и спешит киевская власть подготовиться к акциям протеста киевлян.

Черновецкий и Со не придумали, как повысить уровень и качество жизни жителей столицы. Вместо этого издали распоряжение КГГА об установке 10 защитных выдвижных барьеров для ограничения пространства вокруг здания мэрии. Финансировать их установку, разумеется, будут за счет бюджетных денег, которых сегодня и так не хватает".

По словам депутата, раньше для защиты от манифестаций использовали переносные барьеры или ставили на площадке перед КГГА технику. "Но это было тогда, когда условия жизни в Киеве не были такими же безжалостными, как сейчас. Теперь протесты ожидаются намного сильнее. Именно поэтому КГГА подошла так основательно к своей защите - и решила установить специальные выдвижные барьеры", - резюмировал А. Бригинец.

Напомним, киевская власть решила установить 10 защитных выдвижных барьеров на тротуаре возле своего административного здания на улице Крещатик, 36 для ограничения на нем парковки автомобилей.

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В Киеве продолжают отключать горячую воду. Список улиц

На две недели без горячей воды останутся жители Оболонского и Подольского районов.

В «Киевэнерго» отмечают, что это вынужденная мера, которая позволит избежать порывов теплосетей во время отопительного сезона 2011-2012 года. В период проведения испытаний возможны порывы труб. Жителей просят сообщать о них диспетчеру по номеру 15-88 либо 201-58-79. Жэки в свою очередь должны будут сделать перерасчет в платежках за отсутствие горячей воды (для тех, у кого нет счетчиков).


31 мая – 14 июня

Горячую воду отключат 30 мая в 12.00.

Оболонский район: пер. Балтийский, пер. Гаванский, ул. Марко Вовчко, просп. Московский, ул. Новоконстантиновская, ул. Скляренко, пл. Фрунзе.

Подольский район: ул. Боричев Ток, Боричев спуск, ул. Валковская, ул. Электриков, ул. Кожемяцкая, ул. Константиновская, ул. Набережно-Луговая, ул. Набережно-Крещатикская, ул. Еленовская, ул. Петропавловская, ул. Садовского, ул. Фрунзе, пер. Ярославский.

Также продолжаются ремонты теплосетей, в результате чего тепленькую отключают на два-три дня.


Голосеевский район: 30-31 мая – ул. Горького, 19/21, ул. Саксаганского, 40; 1 июня – ул. Горького, 57б, 59а, 59б, 125, 125а, ул. Димитрова, 22; 2 июня – ул. Жилянская, 7а, 7б, 9в, 54, ул. Паньковская, 17; 3 июня – ул. Горького, 150, 150а, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160.

Дарницкий район: 30 мая – 3 июня – ул. Руденко, 3а, 3б, 5, 7, 9, просп. Бажана, 24/1; 1 июня – ул. Полесская, 4, 4а, ул. Симферопольская, 3/2, ул. Ахматовой, 16в, просп. Григоренко, 3в, 7а, 7б, 7в, 9, 11а, 13; 3 июня – ул. Симферопольская, 4.

Деснянский район: 1-6 июня – просп. Лесной, 3, 5, 43, ул. Шолом Алейхема, 19, ул. Жукова, 25/21, ул. Волкова, 22, 24, 26, бульв. Высоцкого, 4, 6, 6а, 6б, 8а, ул. Закревского, 5, 53, 55, 57, 59/1, 63, 63а, 65, 67а, ул. Сабурова, 4, ул. Лаврухина, 11, 11а, 15/46, ул. Драйзера, 14/13, 16, 18, 20, 20а, 44а, 46, ул. Радунского, 42/10, 44, 46, 46б, ул. Милославская, 35, 37, 39/48, ул. Беретти, 6, 6а, 6б, 8, 10, просп. Маяковского, 2в, 20, 20а, 22, 24, 24а, 24б, 28, 30, 35, 35а, 37.

Днепровский район: 30 мая – ул. Курнатовского, 9, ул. Бажова, 10, ул. Краковская, 11; 30 мая – 1 июня – бульв. Давыдова, 1/5; 30 мая – 3 июня – ул. Чудновская, 8, 8а, ул. Гагататина, 3, 3а, ул. Строителей, 1, 3, 5, просп. Мира, 2/3, 2/3а, 6, 6а; 31 мая – ул. Строителей, 11, 13, 15, 17, ул. Пожарского, 5, 7, 9; 31 мая – 3 июня – ул. Дубового, 40, ул. Строителей, 4, 4а, 6а, 8, 8а, просп. Гагарина, 5/2, ул. Малышко, 21, 23, 25, ул. Миропольская, 13; 1 июня – ул. Березняковская, 30, Днепровская набережная, 7, 13, бульв. Перова, 16; 1-3 июня – ул. Сосницкая, 10, ул. Курнатовского, 17, 19, ул. Краковская, 14/6, 16, ул. Пожарского, 11, бульв. Перова, 26; 2 июня – ул. Серафимовича, 5, 17, ул. Никитенко, 25, 27, ул. Вильде, 3; 3 июня – ул. Петра Запорожца, 14б, Дарницкий бульв. 1, 1а, 3, 3а.

Оболонский район: 1-3 июня – просп. Оболонский, 2а, 2б, ул. Лайоша Гавро, 17, 17а, ул. Малиновского, 28б, 30а, 32б, просп. Героев Сталинграда, 13б, 15б, 20, 20а, 36, 38, 40, ул. Героев Днепра, 1, 3, 3а, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 32, 32а, 32в, 32б, 34а, 34б, 36, 36а, ул. Приречная, 2, 2а, 2б, 2в, 2г, 2д, 4д, ул. Тимошенко, 13а, ул. Попова, 9.

Печерский район: 30 мая – ул. Крещатик, 23, ул. Леонида Первомайского, 5; 30-31 мая – бульв. Леси Украинки, 6; 31 мая – бульв. Леси Украинки, 7, 14а, 16а, 18а, ул. Цитадельная, 5/9; 1-2 июня – ул. Лютеранская, 17; 2 июня – ул. Бассейная, 15.

Подольский район: 30 мая – 2 июня – ул. Светлицкого, 24, 24а; 31 мая – 2 июня – ул. Маршала Гречко, 8б, 8в, 8г.

Святошинский район: 30 мая – 1 июня – ул. Туполева, 9а, 11б, 11в, 11г; 1-3 июня – ул. Булгакова, 18, ул. Ромена Ролана, 3, ул. Жмеринская, 36, ул. Героев Космоса, 19, 19а, 19б, 19в.

Соломенский район: 1 июня – просп. Воздухофлотский, 5, ул. Ереванская, 5, ул. Клименко, 14, ул. Народного Ополчения, 2; 2 июня – ул. Курская, 8, 10, просп. Воздухофлотский, 58; 3 июня – ул. Клименко, 16, просп. Воздухофлотский, 62.

Шевченковский район: 30-31 мая – ул. Прорезная, 18/1; 30 мая – 1 июня – ул. Тургеневская, 34, 35а, 35б, ул. Дегтяревская, 15, ул. Щербакова, 57, 59а; 30 мая – 3 июня – ул. Воровского, 8, 8а, 8б, 9, ул. Богдана Хмельницкого, 86, 84, ул. Сретенская, 11, просп. Победы, 2, 29, ул. Златоустовская, 1, ул. Щербакова, 66; 1-3 июня – Ярославов Вал, 4.

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Вопреки прогнозам аналитиков недвижимость Италии продолжает дешеветь

Цены на недвижимость в Италии в этом году продолжают снижаться. Об этом ИноСтраннику сообщил представитель итальянской ассоциации риэлторов (Real Estate Network, IRA).

Еще в конце прошлого года звучали прогнозы о том, что рынок недвижимости Италии в 2010 году начнет свое восстановление, и уже к весне цены на итальянскую недвижимость вырастут на 5%.

Однако, пока эти прогнозы не оправдались.

Недвижимость в Италии продолжает дешеветь. В среднем с начала этого года цены на недвижимость упали на 1-1,5%.


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вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

Some Possible Ways to Combat High Blood Pressure

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension) when I was in my early thirties.  I was always overweight except for a brief time in my early adulthood when I was lifting weights and going to the gym every day like it was a religion.  Then came cubicle work, marriage, and fatherhood.  Lack of exercise, fat genes, and too much of the wrong kinds of foods spells disaster in this realm.  Now, I do believe that certain blood pressures are predisposed in some people based on some as yet not understood or known about genetic factors.  Why do I believe this?  I believe it because I have known very heavy people with perfect blood pressure.  I also know skinny people with high blood pressure.  There is also the stress factor and how each individual handles it.  There are also stimulative substances like caffeine.  

Blood Pressure Measurement.

Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure that your blood places on your arteries and other blood vessels.  The top number, the Systolic pressure, is the measurement when your heart pumps the blood.  That is why it is a higher number.  The Diastolic pressure is the force in between heart beats, which is why it is (or should be) lower.  It has been accepted for a long time that normal blood pressure is 120/80.  Now some drug companies and others are trying to push that lower.  This is controversial because more and more data shows that not everyone can or should have the same pressure.  Some people are normal with 115/70, or 110/60, while others are 120/80, 125/85, 135/85, etc.  As a matter of fact, 140/90, which has long been considered pre-hypertension is actually normal for many people and no reason to panic, only to monitor.  Recent data has shown that the lower pressures that some are pushing for would actually be detrimental to some of our older people, resulting in confusion and light headedness.

So you see, there is a lot to these numbers and you should measure yours and try to track what is normal for you.  You should monitor it because if it spikes often or goes too high you are damaging your blood vessels and organs like your heart and kidneys, among others.  It can lead to strokes, blood clots, aneurysms, and even aortic dissection which killed actor John Ritter.  I do not know if his came from untreated high blood pressure or some other cause, but anything that puts frequent high pressure on your blood vessels can result in ruptures and other catastrophic events.

I can say that many times I get perfectly normal readings.  I have had readings of all of the already mentioned pressures, but at the same time I have had dangerous spikes like 160/100, and as high as 200/120 during panic attacks and other stressful times.  I am on 3 powerful medicines and the doctors have not been able to narrow down my "all over the map" blood pressure.  Maybe it's normal for me, but I am on the medicines just in case.  My current doctor is the head of cardiology at his hospital and he even told me that it's not my weight, although of course losing it couldn't hurt.  He said it's just too sporadic and leans on the side of stress coupled with something unknown.  A few years ago I had a stress test and an echo cardiogram and those came out okay, as well as frequent EKG's.  Get these tests if you can.  If any ting they can spot clogging of your arteries early on so it doesn't end up in a heart attack or stroke.

There are several blood pressure measuring devices.  There are the cuffs at some drug store and supermarket chains.  They say that the doctor's office arm cuff measuring devices are the best.  I never liked them.  They seem to squeeze way too tightly.  A word here about cuff tightness.  If you are a large person like me, you might need a larger cuff.  Don't be afraid to ask for one.  A cuff that is too small will result in false high readings.  they also sell at home electronic models with an arm cuff, but these are too small for my arm.  I am muscular and overweight so my arm is just too big for them.

I use an Omron wrist model. It is pretty accurate with doctor's office models (I have tested this on numerous occasions) and they are compact and easy to use.  They pump up, count it out, and spit out your pressure in a few seconds.  While you do not want to take your pressure all the time, for brief "measuring windows" it can provide you with a larger picture of your pressure.  Many people get nervous when in the doctor's office and get higher than normal readings.  This is very common and is labeled as "white coat hypertension".  The white coat is the doctor or medical staff's white coat.  I know that my readings are usually high at the doctor and lower at home.  I have had readings as high as 160/90 at a doctor's office only to have a perfect 120/80 an hour later at home.  I have also have scary high readings at home which is why I ended up on medication.


There are several classes of medications for hypertension.  There are beta blockers which cause the heart to slow the force of it's beats, thus lowering pressure.  There are alpha blockers which relax the muscles inside blood vessels to keep more blood flowing and the pressure is lower when more blood can flow through the body unhindered by tight vessel walls.  There are angiotensin II receptor antagonists, which block a certain hormone that the kidneys produce which causes blood vessels to contract and raise the pressure of the blood.  Block this out and the pressure goes down.  Diuretics are commonly used.  The theory here is that when you cause more water to be excreted in urine, blood volume decreases thus lowering pressure.  There are also calcium channel blockers, which also cause blood vessel wall (muscle) relaxation.  So, this is what they do.  They all use different mechanisms to try to lower the blood pressure.  Some work amazingly well.  Some work well for some and not in others.  They start you out on one or more and see how they work.  they might work at first and then your body gets used to them.  Then the dose goes up or they switch one or more of the drugs to see the effect.  I can say that I had little effect from these drugs until recently when I was prescribed a an alpha blocker.  I still don't know why I am taking the other two drugs, I guess for some cumulative effect, but this one worked for me.  It's no panacea, as I still get spikes due to stress and such, but I am much better off than I was before.  Also, I am fortunate that all three of mine come in generic versions, which is much cheaper.  There are other types of medications that I left out.  You can look up blood pressure or hypertension medications in an online search or in Wikipedia.

A quick note.  Blood pressure medications are usually introduced in a gradually increasing dose up to the main dose.  Also, you CANNOT just go off them.  They have to be weened off SLOWLY under your doctor's supervision.  Quickly discontinuing hypertension medication can be FATAL.

Nutritional Supplements and Food

There are several things that are out there which they claim can help with hypertension.  I have tried them all with some effect, but nothing compared to modern pharmaceuticals.  There are various herbal concoctions that are said to mimic what many of the aforementioned drugs do, but I have found this to be mostly hype.  Also, if you can get a generic drug, it's probably cheaper to get the drug than the expensive supplement, as long as you go to the doctor and get a new prescription every so often.  DO NOT attempt to buy prescription drugs over the Internet.  You might be getting the wrong dose or the wrong medication, or both.  They might not be manufactured to the same specifications, or they might come from China and have plastics and other industrial waste in them.  Don't take such a chance with your body.

There are several natural things that I say can't hurt and might show some promise.  Even if they do not work as a blood pressure lowerer, they can have pleasant side benefits associated with keeping your circulatory system working as best as it can.  There are vitamins like natural Vitamin E.  It is a great antioxidant and is great for keeping the fish oils fresh in your system.  Vitamin E has to be natural (d-alpha tocopherol vs the man made dL-alpha) to have the most benefit.  That is why natural is expensive.  If you get it, get one with d-alpha as well as mixed tocopherols like d-gamma, etc....  It has been shown that it works better in this mixed form.   Now, I buy fish oil capsules that are molecularly distilled to remove mercury and other impurities and they are also laced with d-alpha Vitamin E, so I personally do not take extra E.  That is up to you.  I take fish oil because I feel that it offers protection against dangerous clots without the side effects of aspirin.  Also, once you are on daily aspirin therapy you are on it for good.  It has been shown that discontinuation of aspirin therapy can be fatal.  The blood clots can come back with a vengeance.  Fish oil also has a myriad of other benefits mainly due to the EPA and DHA fatty acids, which are Omega 3 fatty acids.  We need these to offset the overabundance of Omega 6 fatty acids in your grain rich (right down to the animal feed) food supply.  This is why grass fed beef/lamb/dairy/etc is nutritionally superior to the grain fed majority.  You may like your corn fed steak, but the corn fed is what makes the fat saturated and unhealthy to consume.  Grass fed beef fat is okay, in moderation.  This is why wild caught salmon and other fish are good to eat.  Farm raised fish suffer the same problem as most farmed terrestrial animals.  They are fed Omega 6 rich feed and that ends up in the meat.  This is why I will not eat farm raised Tilapia.  It is loaded with Omega 6 fats which while essential, are overrepresented in our food supply and implicated in diseases of inflammation, like arthritis, artery disease, and other nasty conditions.

Potassium and magnesium can help, as long as you do not have kidney disease.  people with kidney disease can build up dangerous potassium levels so they have to watch their intake.  Many of us are deficient in these important minerals which regulate..... blood pressure.  You need them both.  As a matter of fact I have had several blood tests that claim that I am low in potassium, despite eating a diet high in vegetables and fruits.  The doctors so far just tell me to eat bananas, but I already do, as well as avocados and other potassium rich foods.  I have resorted on occasion to taking supplemental magnesium to get enough of that.  Do not take supplemental potassium.  It can cause stomach problems.  By the way, taking these minerals in diet form, or in the case of magnesium in a pill with food, also helps to alleviate painful muscle cramping.

Salt has been shown to aggravate hypertension in some people, and many people have had success with the DASH Diet.  I have to say that I just do not agree with the high grain part of that diet for reasons of Omega 6 pro inflammatory response.  Use your judgment after your research.  The bottom line is that you can lower your salt intake and see if that helps.  Start reading the sodium content of your foods and you will be surprised at how much salt is in many things, especially fast and convenience foods.  I was lucky enough to find organic hot dogs without nitrites or preservatives, made wholly from the beef of grass fed cows, and with only about 330mg of sodium vs the 600-700 in most brands.  They were right there in my regular supermarket too.  If your supermarket carries junk, find a local health food market and you'll likely find something similar there.

Other Conditions

Do you snore?  Why would I ask that?  Snoring is usually a sign of sleep apnea, or better known as obstructive sleep apnea.  This is when your throat closes when you sleep and you can't get air.  It takes effort to get air through that collapsed throat, which puts all kinds of pressure on your body, including high blood pressure.  Get a sleep study done and if you have it get a CPAP machine to treat it.  It's awkward at first, but you will sleep soundly and eliminate at least one contributing factor to heart attack and stroke, and you might cure your hypertension as well.  It didn't cure mine, but I can now drive to work without falling asleep at the wheel, and I don't have to worry (as much) about dying in my sleep from "the big one".  Get tested.  Get treated.  For some people a tonsillectomy and getting the adenoids removed can fix this, along with fixing a deviated septum.  They wanted to do that to me and so far I have not gone for it.  I know someone who did and he as able to ditch his CPAP machine as it cured his snoring.  It is tempting though since the machine is like a ball and chain.

This was a really simple article meant to get the most information out in a distilled fashion.  There are many related nuances that I just couldn't get into, but you should have gotten out of it:

1 - Measure your blood pressure

2- Get medicated if it's consistently over 140/90, or even over 135/85.

3- Lower your salt and see if that helps

4- Consider eating more foods rich in Potassium or Magnesium

5- Losing weight and exercise can't hurt

6- Eat more Omega 3 rich foods and lay off the empty starches and grains, flour products, and grain fed meats or farm raised fish.

I hope that my many years of research into this condition as well as my having to live with and through it can be of some benefit to you.  I still have hypertension, and I have to follow my own advise of exercising more, because I am only human.  I do have this knowledge though and I wanted to share it.

Reference to the source blood pressure check

пятница, 1 февраля 2013 г.

Для частных инвесторов в строительство разработана защита от недобросовестных застройщиков

Кабинет Министров одобрил новые правила работы фондов финансирования строительства (ФФС), которые должны защитить вкладчиков от строительных афер. Вчера правительственный комитет по вопросам строительства утвердил поправки к Закону "О финансово-кредитных механизмах и управлении имуществом при строительстве жилья" с замечаниями Госфинслуг.

"В проекте предлагается проводить окончательный расчет с инвесторами по ценам, установленным на момент заключения договоров. Однако цены могут меняться (по объективным причинам), но по крайней мере они не должны превышать уровень цен на момент планового введения объекта недвижимости в действие", - говорит председатель Государственной комиссии по регулированию рынков финансовых услуг (Госфинуслуг) Валерий Алешин.

Согласно тексту законопроекта, если сроки введения в эксплуатацию здания затягиваются более чем на три месяца, инвесторы смогут потребовать от управляющего ФФС возмещения всех вложенных ими средств.

При этом сумма возмещения засчитывается исходя из текущей стоимости квадратных метров жилья. Учитывая, что цены на недвижимость растут бешеными темпами, вкладчики "долгостроев" смогут даже рассчитывать на своего рода моральную компенсацию в виде инвестиционного дохода.

Документ, с одной стороны, защищает вкладчиков от недобросовестных застройщиков, с другой - развязывает руки инвесторам-спекулянтам, которые не ставят себе за цель приобрести квартиру, а всего лишь хотят заработать на быстрорастущем рынке недвижимости.

Автор документа - народный депутат от фракции Партии регионов Артем Щербань - предлагает закрепить на законодательном уровне минимальный размер возмещения, который управляющий ФФС обязан выплатить вкладчику, если тот решил досрочно выйти из фонда. Вкладчик может забрать 90% вложенных им средств.

Такая норма была предложена из-за того, что некоторые управители устанавливают завышенные штрафы при выходе из фонда, предполагает заместитель директора финансовой компании "Первый управитель строительства" Алексей Танич. В новом варианте закона такой штраф ограничен 10% инвестиций вкладчика.

Президент строительной компании МЖК "Оболонь"Василий Антонов считает, что новый проект упрощает работу управляющих фондами над созданиями правил для строителей в договорах.

"Но быть уверенными в сроках сдачи в эксплуатацию и стабильной цене на жилье в строящемся доме могут только крупные застройщики, у которых есть соответствующие ресурсы и персонал", - отмечает Антонов.

В итоге выполнять прописанные в правилах обязательства под силу только крупным строительным компаниям. Остальные застройщики вынуждены будут перейти на финансирование путем выпуска облигаций и последующего их обмена на жилье.

Reference to the source процедура дарування в україні

How To Achieve Long Term Success In Treating Obesity

Obesity can cause serious disability and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, sleep apnea and obesity-related cancers. For example, a male below 35 years old who is twice or 40 kg above his normal weight is 60 times more likely to develop diabetes, and he is also 10 to 12 times more likely to die before the age of 60.

Most fat or even obese people can cut down the extra kilo in the body by choosing either low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet coupled with sufficient amount of exercises. The weight loss can mostly be achieved but the actual kilo trimmed and whether they can maintain such lifestyle for long greatly depend on how determine and discipline they are.

Unfortunately, changing eating habits and having exercise to lose weight just cannot work for some people especially those extreme obese people who need immediate attention because of disability or risk of death. Or, it is simply because they cannot or not willing to change their lifestyle. This group of people has no choice but to get help from surgical treatments that carry certain degree of risk. According to statistics, only surgical treatment has a long-term success rate of 60 to 70 percent.

Among various surgical treatments such as stapling, bypass and others, lapband has the least risk of death at 1 to 2000 versus 1 to 200 for gastric bypass. The risks of complications are also far lower with lapband surgery. The lapband is adjustable according to the patient's needs and can be reverse if required. An experienced surgical team is the key to ensure a successful outcome. Moreover, the long-term results from lapband surgery are as good as the other more complicated operations and with less long-term nutritional disturbances.

After the treatment, the reduction in weight will normally cause the medical conditions to disappear or improve. For instance, 66 percent of those with diabetes no longer have diabetes and 25 percent require less medication. For those with hypertension, 6 out of 10 become normal and 1 in 3 improves requiring less medicine.

Some studies have compared lapband surgery and established non-surgical weight-loss treatment and have now shown that the lapband surgery is far more successful in reducing or eliminating serious disease than its non-surgical counterpart although the risk of treatment is the same for both groups. Now, studies also show that the same result in obese adolescents with very good and safe outcomes.

But a word of caution! Obese persons seeking surgery to help them reduce the unwanted weights should consult trained and experienced surgeons or hospitals with good track records to ensure lowest degree of risks while achieving successful outcomes.

Reference to the source diet secrets